Why Fall Is A Good Time To Talk About Falling

Falling is a threat millions of aging Americans face, especially those 65 and up. At least one in four elderly people will suffer a fall each year. The CDC analyzed data from a 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey and found that suffering one fall doubles an elderly person’s chance of having a repeat fall. The survey also showed that only half of the falls that occur each year are discussed with a health care provider.  Falls Are Costly And Can Result In Serious Injury  From head injuries to broken bones, it’s estimated that one in five falls …

It’s Not Too Late For Retirement Resolutions

At the beginning of each New Year, individuals commonly take stock of various aspects of their lives. One of the frequently reviewed primary areas is personal finance. If you are thinking about retiring within the next few years or longer, you may want to create a resolution or two so that you can better plan for your non-working years. However, some people believe that it is simply too late for any type of plan to be effective or beneficial. While it is better to start preparing for non-working years early in your adult years, starting now is better than not …

10 Reasons You’ll Love Being Retired

If you are like many people, you are probably looking forward to the time when you can retire. It marks the end of an era and serves as a reward for all the hard work you have done over the years. Retirement is a time you can truly enjoy yourself and reap the rewards of all those years of being in the workforce, no matter what your chosen profession. There are still more reasons you’ll love being retired. These are the 10 most notable. 1. Less Stress Being retired means you no longer have all the same obligations as when …

Medical Debt and Your Retirement

How To Get Rid Of Your Accumulated Medical Debt In A Few Easy Steps Retirement planning and medical debt often go hand-in-hand. We try our best to save up money to use during our golden years. A nice little nest egg when we turn 65 and older sounds nice to lean back on. Unfortunately, our medical debt sometimes gets in the way. We sometimes forgo the care we need because we do not want to touch our retirement savings. We spend our whole lives planning, only to have it taken away from us in one split second.  We feel guilty …

Scared About Retirement? Here is What You Need To Keep In Mind

When a person thinks of retirement, they have a thousand things running through their mind. They are often met with a mix of emotions about the situation that they are going to be in. One one hand, retiring means that you get to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruit of your labor. This is what you have been working all those years for; for the time you can live how you want to, and do the things that you have always loved doing. For most people, retiring is a beautiful thing, but that doesn’t mean that sometimes, retiring can …

What You Should Know If Retiring Soon

Retiring is a special time for any individual. It’s when you get to relax, be with family and friends, or pursue a hobby you were always interested in but just never had the time to. Of course, as you approach this last stretch of your career, this also indicates a lifestyle change. Identifying these financial and personal changes and preparing accordingly can give you more peace of mind. Here are four things you should know if you’re retiring soon.  Healthcare Coverage Your health is at its most vulnerable state in your senior years. Retiring in your 60s, you’d want to …

Older Americans May Be in a Better Position to Pursue Their Dream Job

When you think of a dream job, you might envision a venture that individuals pursue when they are younger. For example, many college students are asked about their dream job. However, as an older adult, you have the opportunity to pursue your dream job at this time. Before you balk at the idea, consider the reasons why now is the perfect time.  Stable Income If you take a look at the median amount of savings people have by retirement, you’ll realize that you may have the extra income to leap into a new profession. In other words, you may have …

Working while receiving Social Security Benefits

Retirement is something most people look forward to in the United States. This is because it offers them the opportunity to travel, spend time with their families and essentially relax. All that is possible because most people are going to qualify for Social Security benefits. However, some individuals, especially those who used to run their own business, may find retirement to be a little too dull for their liking. As a result, many will often go looking for part-time work to either have something to do or supplement their monthly income. But how much does this affect your Social Security …

3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Retire

Retiring is the goal of every worker who dreams of leisurely breakfasts and time in the garden. However, getting to retirement takes some financial effort and strategic planning. The reality of having no job means that you’re on your own when it comes to every facet of your financial life. Before you send in that letter of resignation, get familiar with the top questions that you need to ask yourself before retiring. You’ll have less stress as a result of these well-answered questions. What’s Your Plan For Healthcare? When you’re working, your employer’s coverage keeps you healthy with reasonably affordable …

What’s next for retirement plans in the U.S.?

In the United States, retirement is a crucial part of life. The most common form of retirement plan in the U.S. is employer-sponsored 401(k) plans, where employees make contributions into an account that earns interest and grows over time. This growth continues until they retire and withdraw funds from it to live off for many years after they stop working. But what happens when these workers leave their jobs? This article will discuss how individuals can use Roth IRAs as an alternative to traditional 401(k) plans and other types of retirement accounts to save money for later on in life! …