I came across this amazing rap video which talks about boom and bust cycles, effects of low interest rates and government spending. Basically everything you ever wanted to know about the economy! So whether you believe in Austrian economics, or you’re a Keynesian, you’ll enjoy this video.
Have We Turned A Corner?
Previously, (in Should you Worry About Market Declines, and Staying the Course), I advised readers to ignore the news media and recent stock market declines and stick to their long-term investing goals. This was in response to several client calls worrying about an impending market collapse. After the volatility of the last six months of 2015, and the near 10% losses in the first 6 weeks of 2016, it’s easy to get spooked and yearn for the safety of the sidelines. But then, as often happens, the markets turned right around and rallied for the past 2 weeks, with nearly all asset …
Staying The Course
The market’s been quite volatile over the past several months. The talking heads on TV have been proclaiming it’s a bear market, with 2008-esq declines on the horizon. In this environment, it’s easy to lose your nerve and consider bailing on your investment strategy, or at least curtailing your monthly investment contributions to your retirement accounts. But the truth is hard to swallow – volatility is the just price you pay for investing in the stock market. While it’s a rollercoaster ride, especially in terms of emotions, historically you would have earned 8-11% in a well-diversified portfolio over long periods of time. …
Should You Worry About The Market Declines?
The market celebrated the New Year by dropping 9% right out of the gate… It’s the worst start to a year ever… And the market is now at its lowest level since late 2014. It’s natural to worry when the stock market has been down nearly everyday this year. But regardless of how long you’ve been investing, it’s hard to accept that nothing unusual is happening in the market. Declines of 10%-20% don’t signal the end of prosperity. They are normal market movements. And so long as you you hold high-quality, long-term investments in your investment accounts, you have nothing …
Historic Day For The Dow
Today was a historic day for the Dow Jones Index – and a harrowing day for investors. The blue chip stock index fell 1,089 points, the biggest intraday move in the history the index, before recovering to a loss of only 588. Over the past three months, the S&P 500 has dropped about 7.5%. There hasn’t really been any safe haven as global markets have dropped as well. Except for bonds, every other asset class is down for the year to some extent. The biggest losers have been Emerging Markets and Commodities, down 19% and 22% year-to-date. Today’s action was …
Will The Federal Reserve Start Raising Interest Rates?
2015 has been a roller coaster ride so far. The stock market was down in January, up in February, and is now trending back down again in March. Long term bond prices (US 20-year treasuries) were up 10% in January, and then drifted back down again. And then there was today, Friday March 6th 2015, where the entire investment landscape was awash in a sea of red. It’s unusual to see all asset classes decline at the same time. Usually, at least stocks and bonds move in opposite directions. But today everything was down – US and International stocks and …
There’s Always Something To Worry About
2014 is almost over. And fear has dominated the news headlines for most of the year. We had a war between Russia and the Ukraine, bombings in the Middle East, Ebola reaching the US, a military coup in Thailand, ISIS, fears of European recession, an actual recession in Japan, civil unrest in Ferguson, and Black Friday retail sales that were widely reported as being a bust (the implication being that the US consumer is broke). We also dealt with the announcement that the Federal Reserve will end Quantitative Easing this year, which led to widespread fear that interest rates would …
Economic Review: What’s Next For The Stock Market?
Last week, the US stock market closed at an all-time high. And I’ve received multiple queries asking if this is a true reflection of the economy and what is the best course of action to take right now. Has there been a meaningful economic recovery at all? Every time I turn on the radio or TV I hear polarizing views on this topic. Either the economy just hasn’t recovered and we’re in a stock-market (or real estate) bubble on the verge of collapse, or the economy is chugging along like everything is peaches and cream. Of course, reality lies somewhere …
Is It A Good Time To Buy Real Estate?
As I write it this, the national housing market seems to be recovering slowly, although it is showing signs of slowing down again. But certain markets seem to be going crazy. Southern California, where I live, is one of them and the real estate market is on fire right now. I’m currently in the market for a house myself, and I’ve also received several queries from clients asking if it’s a good time to buy real estate. My misgivings about the real estate market in Southern California have been building over the past year, during which time home prices (and …
The Truth Behind Hidden 401(k) Plan Fees
Five years, Bloomberg ran a special about the hidden fees in nearly all 401(k) plans. Most participants thinks that there no fees in these plans. Over half of HR managers also think the same thing. [embedplusvideo height=”315″ width=”420″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1bGatKb” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/08UPQ3JaRek?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=08UPQ3JaRek&width=420&height=315&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4323″ /] [embedplusvideo height=”315″ width=”420″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1bGaL3D” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/94eDjL4ciVE?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=94eDjL4ciVE&width=420&height=315&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep5870″ /] [embedplusvideo height=”315″ width=”420″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1bGaPk9″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/x1NPUf2Q-sw?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=x1NPUf2Q-sw&width=420&height=315&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep9283″ /] Since then, things have gotten slightly better, but not by much. Congress has since mandated that all plans disclose the fees charged to the participants in 401(k) plans, it’s still notoriously hard to figure out. One way the average user …