Social Security Depletion Timeline

Social Security has been a hot button topic for political pundits for decades. Many younger Americans fear that by the time they get to retirement age, the program’s funds will be so depleted that they will receive little, if any, benefits. A recent announcement from the Social Security Administration (SSA) proves that these fears are well founded. At the current pace, the program will become depleted before today’s younger generation reaches 62. This makes retirement planning more important than ever. With the retirement trust fund being steadily drawn down, today’s working people need to make their own independent provisions for …

Don’t Ruin Your Retirement This Summer

Few Americans have employers that save for their retirements automatically. Pensions are going the way of the dinosaur. Therefore, Americans are required largely to save for their own retirements. This means that it’s important to make retirement savings a priority. This can seem like a boring life, and there may be a temptation to take a two-week trip traipsing around the French countryside; however, this is not really a good idea in most instances. Expensive vacations could derail your retirement plans. However, this does not necessarily mean that you  have to skip a vacation altogether. When starting retirement planning vacation …

Thinking About Downsizing In Retirement? 

With the exception of those under 35 years of age, between 60 and 70 percent of the median household wealth in the US is tied up in home equity. Those within 10 years of retirement have about 40 percent of their net worth held outside of their home equity, and the number gets worse from there. All Americans who are older than 65 hold only 28 percent of their net worth outside of their homes. This is why it might be a good idea to start thinking about downsizing in retirement. There are many benefits that come from choosing to …

What Keeps You Up At Night?

For millions of Americans, it’s the question of how they will fund their healthcare expenses in retirement, according to a recent poll by Franklin Templeton. With the high costs of care, hospitalization, pharmaceuticals, and nursing homes, these fears are well-founded, though they may be overblown. With proper planning, healthcare costs in retirement are within the means of average and wealthy Americans, provided they are able to afford a Medicare supplement policy. Those who are unable to save for retirement because of illness or low income will go onto Medicaid. Millions of others will qualify for healthcare services and long-term care …

Retirement & Healthcare: The Fight Is Yours To Win

When you think of retirement, you probably think of a relaxing lifestyle free from the stresses of a 40-hour workweek. Life could instead get more stressful due to rising health care costs, which is one of the most expensive post-retirement costs seniors must endure. The current generation likely doesn’t have access to a union or employer-sponsored health insurance like the previous generation, significantly increasing the individual burden. The Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, stated that couples age 65 or older need to have $280,000 saved for healthcare costs alone. It’s wise to start planning now, so that you can create a …

Financial Scams: How to avoid them in Retirement

Sadly, unscrupulous people often prey on the most vulnerable among us, and too often that means our senior citizens are targeted. Even worse, in some instances these abuses can go unreported. Perhaps because of embarrassment or fear others will think it a sign of mental incompetence, the scammers go unpunished and can be free to find the next victim. Here are a few tips to help you avoid retirement planning scams. Insurance and Prescription Drug Scams Scammers can seek out those who are on Medicare or Medicaid in an attempt to induce the victim to reveal their personal information. Sometimes …

When Do You Say “Uncle”?

Recent market volatility has some investors thinking about their “uncle point”.  Yes, your uncle point, that moment when the market drops and you emotionally cannot stomach the loss.  Managing risk in retirement is important for many approaching or still navigating a successful retirement.  This level can vary wildly from one person to another. It is important in your planning that you know what your “uncle point” is. What Is The Appropriate Level For Me? Determining your own tolerance for investment volatility is the first step to take when thinking about investing. You need to know this in order to select …

The Cost of Long-Term-Care

Long-Term-Care is something that some Americans rarely discuss. This underdiscussed topic is something that could be life-changing for families, potentially saving them thousands in the long run. If you are in a position to have the conversation, the best time is to have it before it is necessary. What is long term care? Long-Term-Care is available encompasses all services that include personal care needs. Most long-term care isn’t covered under conventional policies. A long term care policy offers coverage for everyday activities and living support. Impact of long-term-care for families Long term care is utilized by 12 million Americans. According …

Taxes in Retirement – What to Expect

You’ve made it to the end, no more daily grind; you’re heading off in the sunset. Whatever metaphor you favor for beginning your golden years, it is an important milestone in your life. Your planning has focused on making certain your nest egg has grown sufficiently to outlast your life, and it’s just as important to be sure your tax obligation doesn’t foil your plans. Withdrawals from a Traditional IRA or 401(k) It was great to be able to stash money through these tax-advantaged plans while you were working, but now’s the time to pay the piper. Withdrawals are taxed …

Divorce After 50 and Your Retirement

Divorce rates are surging in the 50 and older age group.  Today, divorce for those 50 and older has more than doubled since the 90’s!  Divorce can be complicated at any age. However, older couples usually have more financial consequences. The financial consequences are particularly fraught when a couple has to divide their retirement funds. Traditionally, older couples have more assets. Retirement accounts can be the cause of many arguments. Older people may be unable to correct poor retirement planning decisions. Retirement divorce planning is very important. Retirement assets are not always equally divided in a divorce settlement. Give Your …