Retirement Planning & Holiday Spending

You’ve spent the better part of your working years planning for your comfortable retirement. As you celebrated your last official day of work, you already had a pretty good idea of the value of your financial investment portfolio and personal worth. And, you probably had a plan for how much money you would need on a yearly basis to maintain the comforts of life that you were accustomed to. You either would have more than enough for a comfortable retirement or you would have to be careful with spending to maintain your lifestyle. Either way, a budget is always a …

2019: Contribute More Toward Your Retirement

Planning for retirement will be easier for those contributing to in 2019!  Recent changes to a list of savings accounts are going to yield higher returns for savers in the new year.  You will be able to take advantage of “Employee-Sponsored Account“, including 401(k) and 403(b)plans. The current limit for contribution is a little over $18,000. In the new year, the contributions are going to exceed more than $19,000. The plan also includes catch-up contributions around $6,000. You need to be 50 years of age or older to qualify. Those whose birthday fall on December 31st of that year also …

Medicare Fall Open Enrollment Ends Soon

Time is almost up for this years Medicare Open Enrollment period.  You have until the 7th of December to modify your existing Medicare plans. In this period you can enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Part D drug plan. Any modification made during this period is effective from January 1st of the following year. Generally, this is the only time of the year when one can opt for a new plan or switch from Advantage plans to Original Medicare plans. A tweak not known to many is to purchase a Medigap policy which compensates for Medicare costs to …

Retirement Should Not Scare Women

Halloween may be an appropriate time for a good scare, we should limit unwanted surprises in retirement!  Generalizations may not necessarily reflect your individual circumstance although there are fact-based reasons why the average woman faces greater hurdles than the average man does in securing her retirement. However, an awareness of the negatives and a proactive plan to take full advantage of some positives should demonstrate that retirement should not scare women. More years of retirement and with fewer assets The deck is stacked against some women before they even think about enjoying their first day of retirement. Some of the …

October is National Financial Planning Month

You have worked hard for your money, because you have a bigger goal than just paying the monthly expenses. You have a long term goal that is important to you. For some, that goal is to be able to retire comfortably, while others have other dreams that they are putting away money to be able to achieve. Whatever your goal, your savings are being set aside for a reason. Savings Are Not Enough However, if you are just putting your money into savings, you are really not getting the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak. Although rising, interest …

Retirement Planning Mistakes To Avoid

Retirement should be a time of rest, relaxation, and play. It should be about focusing on those pursuits that you wanted to do when you were younger, but you have yet to cross them off of your bucket list.  Failing to plan for a comfortable retirement, however, can be a major stressor in the life of someone facing their golden years. Recreational hopes and dreams can quickly be squashed in the wake of news that you haven’t set up things to be nearly as prosperous as you’d hoped. Learning what to do, and what NOT to do, as you plan …

Passing Your Estate to Imperfect Heirs

When planning one’s last will and testament, one always hopes that the people they will be passing on their hard-earned wealth to will be responsible enough to handle it well and if possible, carry on their legacy. This is a hope which can be difficult to keep alive, especially in cases where the heirs have issues such as bad spending habits, drug addiction, gambling problems, and other weaknesses which compromise their judgment. When passing your estate to an imperfect heir, you need to make sure that you have put in place measures to control the manner in which they will …

Life Insurance, It’s Not For You.

Life insurance is one of those things that many people prefer to avoid thinking about because it often conjures up dark images.  Many people are jarred into realizing the importance of buying life insurance after a close friend or family member has passed away or even after hearing a news story about a tragic death that hit close to home. The reality is that it is better to be prepared and know that our loved ones will not be left to fend for themselves. Consider these important questions to determine your need for life insurance. How Will Your Loved Ones …

Start Your Year End Planning Now

It may seem as if the end of the year is very far away and that there is no need to start making end of the year financial plans as of yet. However, the reality is that the end of the year, and the activities which surround it are busy.  At times, with all the festivities going on, it becomes close to impossible to do anything sensible where financial planning is concerned. You should consider starting your end of year plans now because early plan may spare you the heavy fines. Here are a few things that you should consider …

The Executive Order on Retirement Savings

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday, August 31, that proposes asking for reviews on changing certain rules for tax-deferred retirement savings such as 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts, or IRAs. Trump signed the order during a scheduled visit to Charlotte, N.C., and asked the Treasury Department to push forward several bipartisan changes to how retirement plans operate. Here are the big initiatives: Review Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules with an eyes towards starting them later than age 70 ½ and/or reducing them once they start; Consider the creation of pooled Multiple Employer Plans, which would allow companies to offer financial …