10 Steps to Take as You Prepare for Retirement

Reaching the point of retirement is a pivotal life phase that necessitates careful consideration and preparation. It’s not solely about having your finances in order; it’s also about visualizing the life you wish to lead. Here’s an in-depth guide to help you on this exciting path. Step 1: Define Your Retirement Vision Start by picturing what retirement looks like for you. Whether it involves traveling extensively, spending more quality time with loved ones, or diving into new interests, understanding your aspirations will guide the choices you make regarding both finances and lifestyle. Think about your desired activities and preferred living …

Retirement Myth: I Can Catch Up on Retirement Savings Later When I’m Making More Money

One of the most pervasive myths about retirement planning is the belief that it’s okay to delay saving until you’re earning a higher salary. While it might seem logical to wait for a more comfortable financial situation before setting aside money for retirement, this strategy can jeopardize your future financial security. Understanding the importance of starting early, regardless of your current income, is crucial for building a robust retirement fund. The Importance of Starting Early Starting your retirement savings early, even with small amounts, leverages the power of compound interest to your advantage. Compound interest allows your savings to grow …

Is the Office Party Just Getting Started?

Barron’s recently had an article about investors snapping up trophy office buildings at a 50-60% discount to peak pricing. 😯 This coincided with a similar private investment opportunity I recently shared with my clients for a fund that focuses on Trophy Office Properties in Manhattan. These investments are illiquid, which means they’re easy to get into and impossible to get out of early. You’re going to be in bed with the operators for 3-7 years, possibly more. Here are a few things to look for when making a private placement investment: ✅ Does the General Partner (GP) have “relevant” experience …

Taxation of Retirement Income

Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but it also comes with financial considerations, particularly in the realm of taxes. Understanding how different types of retirement income are taxed can help you manage your finances more effectively. This guide will cover the taxation of Social Security benefits, pension income, IRAs and 401(k)s, managing taxable accounts, and planning for gifts and bequests. Taxation of Social Security Benefits Many older Americans are surprised to learn they might have to pay taxes on a portion of their Social Security income. Whether you owe taxes depends on your total retirement …

Balancing Risk and Reward

Rebalancing is a risk minimization strategy, not a return maximization one. And managing risk is an integral and crucial part of investing.  The New York Times had a great article on this last week. From the article: “If you had never rebalanced, a 60/40 portfolio containing two Vanguard index funds — Total Stock Market and Total Bond Market — would have switched over the five years through June to a 74/26 stock/bond portfolio. That’s because the stock fund gained 93 percent while the bond fund declined 0.59 percent. You may be tempted to just leave well enough alone in the …

Don’t Let Short Term Events Change Your Investment Goals

With every change in the world, there always seems to be the temptation to make an impulsive financial decision, especially when it comes to investing. This year especially was difficult for investors who made such decisions when the coronavirus hit hard and upended the stock market bringing a lot of panic selling with it. Events like the coronavirus and this year’s presidential election are always impactful when it comes to investor markets, but you need to be careful about investment decisions made solely on market movements. You can keep your long-term goals and continue building wealth if you follow certain …

What Is Suspending Social Security Benefits

Suspending Social Security benefits is a process by which an individual can voluntarily stop receiving benefits for a while. The suspension can last up to four years, and the individual’s benefits will not accrue. However, once the suspension period is over, the individual can restart their benefits and receive back payments for the months they were not receiving benefits. Reasons for Suspending Social Security Benefits 1. To Increase Your Benefit Amount One reason is to continue working and accumulating benefits. By doing this, the individual can ensure better financial stability in retirement. 2. To Promote Self-Reliance Suspending Social Security benefits …

Do You Know What You Plan on Paying Yourself in Retirement?

When it comes to getting ready for retirement, the focus is typically on setting aside enough money and investing wisely so you have enough to not only retire but also thrive. But what many people don’t realize is that you need more than just an impressive nest egg and a solid investment plan to thrive in retirement. It would help if you also thought about how to pay yourself in retirement.  Paying yourself means figuring out how you will fund your everyday expenses during your golden years and other necessary expenditures, such as housing, travel and education. If you’re unsure …

Have You Thought About These Things for Retirement?

It is one of the most common questions people ask, and their parents usually ask them. What should I do when I retire? The biggest benefit of retiring is spending time with your family, but what about the rest? It’s not just about skipping work for a day or two. The question is complicated as it involves a lot of things, and we’ll highlight some factors you should keep in mind when planning for retirement. Another factor is your retirement plans. What do you want to accomplish during your retirement? Do you want to travel? Enjoy life? Spend more time …

Do You Know How to Allocate Your Portfolio?

You’ve been told time and time again that you need to invest in a diversified portfolio. But what does that mean, exactly? And more importantly, how do you achieve it? Diversification is important because it helps protect your portfolio from losses in any one particular asset class.  Why is asset allocation important? Asset allocation is important because it helps you manage risk. By diversifying your investments across different asset classes, you can help balance out the ups and downs of the market. This can provide you with a smoother ride to reaching your financial goals. There is no perfect asset …